Saturday, May 22, 2010

#34 Yoga can help drop the pounds (Part 1)


Many of us want a quick fix. One yoga class hasn't tipped the scale in your favour? Stick with it. To a degree yoga can be as an effective calorie burner as weight training.

To add to my list of reasons people give for not trying yoga:

Reason no 3: I can't loose weight with yoga so why bother?

Weight loss involves a simple mathematical equation:

If calories consumed are less than calories burned = weight loss

Weight resistance training is one of the best methods for calorie burning. Your muscles are like calorie-eating machines. Use them, they burn up calories.

Not only that, but your body continues to burn calories for up to an hour and a half after a weight training workout to repair your muscles. And if that wasn't good enough, with consistant weight training your body will begin to burn more calories even at rest because it takes more energy to maintain that muscle. Burn fat while you watch TV!

Where does yoga come in? Stay tuned..

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