And the winner is.......Shelby Douglas (@sunkistdaisy)!! You've won my stained glass ohm piece by Inspired Glass. Thank you to all who entered, retweeted, followed, and shared the post. Check back soon for more contests and chance to win cool yoga stuff.
It's my birthday month!
Now on to the important stuff: How do you win the piece? There are lots of options to enter. I'm asking you to spread the word about Inspired Glass by sharing this post either via Twitter or Facebook. I've included handy little tools at the top of this post to help you along. You can also join me on Facebook or follow Chris and I on Twitter.
At the end of my birthday month of November (because hey, everyone deserves a entire month to celebrate themselves), I'll pick the winner.
So start sharing, following, joining, discussing and commenting. Good luck!!
~ K ox