Friday, May 14, 2010

#26 It's better to be on time


I used to get stressed out about being late for class; I don't anymore. I'd rather arrive late and in one piece than raise my blood pressure so high I have an aneurysm. There are days when no matter how well I plan to be on time the world doesn't cooperate. For example there could be an unforeseen traffic jam caused by a moose on the run in downtown.* You can never tell what may happen to slow you down. When unexpected things come up that are out of your control, no use getting stressed out about them.

I tell my student's I'd rather they arrive late than not at all. It seems completely backwards to me to get stressed out over attending a yoga class!

Having said that, I'd recommend being on time. I'm not saying I'm the poster child for punctuality but the benefits are too good to ignore, especially where attending a yoga class is concerned. You get your pick of the best parking spots, you can grab your favorite spot in the studio, you have extra time for some R&R before class (I once fell asleep while "resting" before a class), you never miss the Invocation, and you avoid the dozens of eyes focused on you as you sheepishly set up your mat.

My Daily Tip: I always say if you can't be on time, it's better to arrive out of breath. That way if people are upset you're late, they may at least sympathize if you look like you've made an effort.

* I can't make this stuff up. Read about the moose on the loose in Calgary who recently stopped traffic.
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