Monday, April 19, 2010

#2 Not everyone likes Sanskrit as much as I do


Once while subbing a yoga class for another instructor, I was in the middle of demonstrating a pose when a student abruptly interrupted me to say "Ah, excuse me but we don't understand anything you're saying". I was reminded by the scene in Charlie and the Chocolate factory where Johnny Deep aka Willie Wonka interrupts Mike Teavee mid-sentence to quip "MUMBLER! Seriously, I cannot understand a word you're saying (little boy)!"

I was always careful to include the English names of the poses I demo but now I am extra careful all because of a chance meeting with me very own Willie Wonka. If I could go back and do it all again I'd ask: "Good morning, starshine... the earth says hello!"

*For the record, I don't remember which pose I was demoing. Probably Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana...
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