Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Yoga on a Plane

9 hrs on a plane, even if it is business class, can stiffen the muscles of the most limber passenger. Here's what I did at about the half-way point, right after watching the second in-flight movie. All poses were done seated. Use your imagination: this practice could also be done at your desk. 15 mins

1. Bharadvajasana (Seated twist): feet flat on the floor, knees together, twisting to the right then the left using the armrest for leverage - 30 sec per side x 2

2. Shoulder rolls: Backwards and forwards, 10 in each direction

3. Head tilt: Tilting the head to the left first while lengthening down towards the floor with your right arm, flexing your hand and pressing down through your palm 2 x each side

4. Garudasana (Eagle Pose, arms only - I didn't want to get in the way of anyone in the asile): held for 30 sec each side then timed movements with the breath lift by lifting my elbows on the inhalation and releasing down on the exhalation

5. Parvatasana: Arms over the head (ok, not quite as my arms kept hitting the "overhead compartment", shoulders relaxed, pressing up through the thumbs and down with the small fingers - 30 sec x 2 (changing grip)

6. Reclining Airplane Seat Pose (sorry to whomever was sitting behind me): Eyes closed, airplane blanket and eye bag on, Ujjayi and Viloma pranayama (breathing)

2150 miles to go.....
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