Tuesday, April 27, 2010

#9 Yoga can hurt you


Let me clarify this statement: Yoga poses, done incorrectly, can hurt you.

Yoga poses done correctly with mindfulness and the guidance of a certified, knowledgeable yoga teacher can be therapeutic. What do I mean by mindfulness? Leave your ego at the door. Don't push past your body's limits in an attempt to out-do the person next to you in class. Or worse: if you feel pain, it's not a good idea to keep going. Listen to your body and remember learning to touch your toes takes time.

Not every pose is right for every body. Don't struggle through Paschimottansana or any other seated forward bend at the expense of your back and SI joint. It's ok to use variations to poses. You're not a lesser person because of it. Repeat: you're not a lesser person because of it!

Follow this advice and yoga will be the blissful, therapeutic, miracle-working practice it ought to be. Don't and your body will suffer. I know because I learned the lesson the hard way.
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