Saturday, May 8, 2010

#20 Personal space is a privilege


It happened to me in class the other day. My personal space was invaded from all sides. Picture this: a 350 sq ft studio, mats lines up end-to-end with 22 people plus instructor shoved in like sardines. Add in the on-the-floor, leaning-to-one-side hip opener and you have a recipe for disaster.

There we were, crotch to crotch. I had to be creative when leaning over my neighbour's mat not to get too friendly. I found myself looking up a lot for some reason...

I didn't let it get me down though. If I had, it would have been a waste of QYT: quality yoga time. Instead I went with it and found whatever awkwardness there was didn't last.

Lesson learned: Personal space is a privilege not a right. If you go with the flow and let go of your need for more space, your enjoyment of class with increase 10-fold.
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