Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Dance Master: Natarajasana

I've obsessed over this pose too over the last little while. Here's a breakdown of the how-to's and a sequence to help get you there...


1. Supta Virasana
2. Matsyasana - supported on a wood block with straight legs
3. Supta Padangustasana
4. Adho Muhka Virasana
5. Adho Muhka Svanasana
6. Uttanasana
7. Eka Prasarita Padottanasana
7. Utthita Hasta Padangustasana I, and II
8. Parivrtta Hasta Padangustasana
9. Natarajasana
10. Uttanasana variation, buttocks against wall, hands clasping elbows
11. Bharadvajasana I
12. Marichyasana I
13. Upavista Konasana - forehead supported on bolster
14. Savasana

Recipe for Natarajasana:

1. Keeps your hips in square and in line even if this makes your pose feel smaller
2. Ensure the knee of the raised leg stays in line with the hip. Draw the leg straight back
3. Open the chest and lengthen forward and up to curve the spine without strain
4. Keep the shoulders square and broaden the collar bones
5. Grab the pinky side of the foot of the bent leg with the palm up. To do this, turn and point the foot out to the side
6. Rotate the lifted arm so the elbow eventually points forward and the palm faces down towards the floor

* Step 6 is my nemesis. The rotation of the arm never ceases to challenge my strength in my shoulder and tends to be the reason I have to eventually end the pose. It's a good thing though..

7. Don't think of using your arm to lift the leg but rather use your hip adductors

And remember: it isn't if you will fall but when. You will fall. Accept it and you'll enjoy working with this pose even more.
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